Saturday, July 11, 2009

Srebrenica remembers its dead

When I read the following article in the Dutch paper "De Volkskrant", I got really furious:

Srebrenica herdenkt zijn doden - Srebrenica remembers its dead
Published on July 11, 2009 08:35, updated 08:37
Srebrenica / DEN HAAG --
In the Bosnian village of
Srebrenica Potocari was on Saturday the commemoration of the genocide in 1995. In the cemetery around the monument more than five hundred victims got also a decent burial. Victims whose remains were buried in the mass graves of Muslims during the last twelve months and were now identified.
International Commission for Missing Persons (ICMP) has so far identified a total of 6186 victims of the massacre after the fall of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995. This was done using DNA testing by comparing ten thousand pieces of genetic material from bones in the mass graves with tens of thousands of blood samples from survivors.

The Bosnian Serb army conquered
Srebrenica and massacred some eight thousand Muslim men and boys as a result. The Dutch UN battalion Dutchbat could not prevent the genocide. The genocide is commemorated each year on July 11 on the square near the parliament in The Hague.

What really happened is "slightly" different as you can read here

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